What is Conscious Leadership?

Developing a Conscious Culture


ox Leadership offers a consultancy service to help you define a conscious culture that aligns people practices, procedures and customer services with the core values of your business. In other words your customers and staff will have a felt experience that mirrors a great place to work and a great place to be a customer.
We use a range of tools and approaches that help you as a business identify the best cultural fit and then help you transition to this culture in the business.

This is a very powerful strategic move that will empower and energise your business bringing a freshness and vitality that promises greater return on investment.

Developing the Leader Within



he Conscious Leadership Program provides a platform for Managers to take responsibility for the impact they have on the culture and their teams. The program gives Managers the insights and tools to create dynamic, engaged and empowered teams that are honest, supportive and energised. This happens by aligning the culture and management approach with the purpose of the organisation. Walking the Walk, not just talking the talk.

How does it work?

The program is a self-development journey for Leaders who wish to understand their impact on teams and therefore can understand how they are helping or hinder empowerment within their teams.

Is it an opportunity to redefine leadership approaches by starting at the core of the leader, using the Johari window to build an authentic understanding of the self, the values, blind spots, and communication choices. Understanding and re-framing what is at the core enables a leader to engage more authentically with others building lasting relationships that are collaborative and real, therefore more aligned with achieving objectives.

The program develops a mirroring of individual values with corporate values that are authentic and can be felt and seen in the business. Some of the benefits include:

  • Builds strong teams that are connected to a common purpose and sense of achievement
  • Innovation and creativity as there is an open flow of ideas
  • Honest dialogue that focuses on solutions not blame
  • Collaborative teams that are honest and can trust each other – no back stabbing or unhealthy politics
  • Transparency of agendas –therefore creating a culture where people can shine and are recognised
  • A renewed energy in the business as there is opportunity for individuals to be recognised, be real and feel seen and appreciated for their efforts
  • A felt experience from customers that reflects corporate values – creating repeat business and referrals. People buy People.
  • The consciousness of the culture can be measured by staff, customers and Managers. It has metrics and progress can be measured.
“The amount of inspiration and mastery gained is directly related to the amount of courage invested”.

Client Testimonial